Friday, December 4, 2009

Pre-Weekend Tally

The beermileage challenge resumed this week after taking some time off for the extended Thanksgiving weekend. Nothing too crazy with the numbers so far (for example Joe hasn't put us to shame with a 30+ mile showing like he did a couple weeks ago), which makes me think that this weekend will be fairly competitive.

Danny: 18 miles - 1 beer = 17 pts

Joe: 17 miles - 17 beers = 0 pts

Brian: 14.5 miles - 4 beers = 10.5 pts

In terms of mileage, its looking really close. As for beers, Danny and i need to find a reason to drink, hopefully in celebration, and then keep throwing on more miles. Joe has already had his celebratory beers after the big Ducks win last night so i wouldn't be surprised if he catches up in points pretty quickly.

Winter is definitely starting to kick in as we watch the temperatures drop and the hours of daylight continue to vanish. My hope is that this isn't a deterrent for us as we take advantage of some more adventurous and obstacle-laden trails. i found out firsthand last night that when the moon is out and the temps are above freezing there is no better time for a night run with the headlamp turned off. Hopefully, that wasn't my last of opportunity to do that this season, because it would be a great way to sneak in some extra miles Sunday night.

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